Acquiring money is an important aspect of life. God has given us ways in scripture to have money. The Bible tells us that the first and foremost way to acquire money is to work hard. The second way is to save, and the third way is to plan. Planning involves budgeting and assessing what you have and what you need. Finally, the fourth way to acquire money is to give. Giving is a way to receive divine promises.
The Bible is filled with references to working hard to acquire money, including Proverbs 14:23, Proverbs 28:19, and 2 Thessalonians 3:10. Saving is also emphasized in the Bible, with Proverbs 21 being one of the many examples. Planning, budgeting, and assessing one’s financial situation are essential, according to Proverbs 27:23.
Giving is another way to acquire money, according to Jesus in Luke 6:38. Proverbs 11:24 also states that the generous person will be prosperous. Giving is like planting seed, and God promises to multiply the seed that is sown in 2 Corinthians 9:6-11.
In conclusion, God’s design for acquiring money involves hard work, careful saving, thoughtful planning, and generous giving. It is important to have a balanced approach to financial management and to trust in God’s promises.